Justice for Mariah Carey's Charmbracelet next? | mcarchives.com

Sunday 3 May 2020

Justice for Mariah Carey's Charmbracelet next?

It has been a banner week for pop legends. Mariah Carey got the ball rolling when E=MC2 reached number one on iTunes - 12 years after release - thanks to dedicated Lambs. That inspired other fanbases to follow suit. Madonna's 1994 album, Bedtime Stories, ascended to the top midweek, while Janet Jackson's Control cracked the top 10. The Lambily, however, has no intention of being outdone. They are now focussed on getting justice for Mimi's Charmbracelet, and have already propelled the 2002 LP to number five on iTunes.

I don't mean to be controversial, but Charmbracelet is not my favorite Mariah album. It lacks the massive hooks and knockout hits that populate her other offerings, but, having said all that, it's still 100 times better than anything the girls are serving up today. It also houses the brilliant "Clown" and achingly lovely "Sunflowers For Alfred Roy", which make the album's current $5.99 asking price a bargain. Oh, and "Through The Rain" remains one of Mimi's most underrated singles, but that's a post for another day.


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